Dedicant's Path

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spidey senses

Spiders exist.   I know, it’s a blanket fact.   I feel that a good portion of souls out there would rather have a dead spider than a live spider especially in the house.   I don’t blame them, finding a spider in the house is a personal affront to my ability to keep a clean house.  I am not a squisher, though.  It is not fair to the spider.   I am the kind gentle person that would take the spider outside, and let it roam free, if it decides upon its own cruel fate and rebuilds its web in another’s house, its fair game for the spider to be squashed.    More likely though,  it will decided I offered a hospitable home with numerous places for it to find food and shelter, and move its little 8 legged body back in.    Life happens.    
            One afternoon, while taking a shower, I had a visitor of the 8 legged varieties.   It was a pretty yellow spider and rather harmless to me.    It lowered itself down on a piece of spider silk with not a care in the world, that I was large and that there were steady streams of a liquid being shot at my body.   Perhaps, it wanted a drink.   I haven’t tried having a steady conversation with spiders-I get mixed up with the discussion of wrap bugs up and drink, and it is kind of hard to get past that conversation.    Instead, I watched it.   I marvelled at it actually.   It came down without a care in the world.   Perhaps, it wasn’t paying attention, I am not sure.   Then, it felt the droplets of water coming from the shower!  I watched the consternation coming from its little body.   It shrunk itself up trying to decide what it was going to do.   It hesitated and thought about dropping down further.    I tried to mentally urge it to go back up.  I am sure my telepathic link with the spider was tenuous, at best, but I tried.    It eventually went back up into the rafters not even leaving its draft line or a trace that a moment before it had almost showered itself out of existence.   It did what it needed to do, even if it meant heading back towards the rafters.  
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.    I have a piece of knitting that I have been working on for a few weeks.   It’s a relatively simple design (it is patch for an afghan).     I have been working on it while watching TV with the young one.   My goal is to have it finished in time for this weekend.   I have been trying to meditate while working on it, as to the meaning of the particular pattern, and I get stuck.    The pattern is for the rune Ehwaz which should mean transportation and gradual development and steady progress.   Yeah, right!    Steady progress until lo and behold I didn’t count right, and it means pulling out and starting again.   Yet, I learned a lesson from that spider about being aware of what we are doing and then doing it.   I don’t know if its spidey senses told it anything about large amounts of water hurling down or that large wet humanoid like creature near vast amounts of water might mean squish.   When it did recognize the danger, it decided on a course of action, even if it meant tearing up and out.   Sometimes, development and progress may mean going back, re-doing, and figuring things out.    It can also be awareness that perhaps the time isn’t right to do something.   Yet, one must stay ever present and ever vigilant.     

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