Dedicant's Path

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Work

Oir is the ogham for work.  These are things that need to be worked on.  Right now,  I plan to have two sections to this blog.  One for my ADF stuff, and one for the other that work that needs to be done.   In some cases,  these will go hand in hand, and in others they may venture further apart.   As I write this,  I ask for the blessings of my patrons- the Norns-that through this I may find the work that needs to be done, complete it to the best of my ability and be able to share it with others.   I call on Bran the Blessed whose head protected the British Isles to help me find my voice and to advocate to others.  I call on Odin as Gatekeeper to help me find the correct paths.  I thank the Patrons for their blessings and their continued support.

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