Dedicant's Path

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Ostara Bunny

I am going to tell you a little all good stories it starts once upon a time...Once upon a time, there was a tiny little bunny. He was brown,  soft, and furry. He had a little cotton tail and could twitch his nose, and had large floppy ears, and he could go hop! Hop! Hop!  There were many Goddesses in the world, but none were as beautiful as the Goddess of the Spring and Dawn. As the winter began to thaw, she would start slowly to awaken the world in shades of green and bright colors. 

Our little bunny loved to eat the little shoots that came out of the ground, and he was very happy that
Spring was finally here. So happy in fact, that he wanted to find a gift for the Goddess of the Spring. He searched high and low.... He looked in trees, he looked under seas, that little bunny even sneaked into my house, and found the little house mouse. (His name is Stuart!) But he still could not find a gift for the Goddess. He even reached under a chicken with his little paws, and pulled out an egg!! 

He looked at that egg and he looked. He stared so long that he became hooked, and decided that eggs were very pretty, but they needed colour. He painted that egg, a very pretty red. He gathered several more eggs, and painted them all sorts of colors-violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and purple with pink polk-a-dots. He painted some with stripes, some with checks, and even some with little duckies on them. He gathered them all into a little basket, and very quietly walked up to the Goddess, as she was encouraging a nice luscious batch of lettuce to grow. He twitched his nose, gathered his courage, and pulled on her dress to gain her attention. He quietly handed her the basket of those pretty eggs, and looked up at her with his little bunny eyes, full of hope and love. The Goddess was thrilled. No one had offered her a gift of such pretty colored eggs before. She was so excited, in fact, that she wanted everyone to share in her gift. She asked the bunny to share those eggs with the rest of the world. Our little bunny was so very proud that he hopped to the ends of the very big earth and shared those eggs with everyone. This is why we color eggs at Eostre... to celebrate those very colorful gifts that our little brown bunny with the floppy ears had given.

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